





1. 2015-2016,武汉理工大学校三好学生标兵

2. 2015-2016,武汉理工大学国家励志奖学金

3. 2015-2016,武汉理工大学校优秀共青团员

4. 2016-2017,武汉理工大学校三好学生

5. 2016-2017,武汉理工大学校级二等奖学金

6. 2016年,第十二届全国大学生交通科技大赛,校一等奖;

7. 2019年,华为杯第十六届中国研究生数学建模竞赛,二等奖;

8. 2020年,华为杯第十七届中国研究生数学建模竞赛,二等奖;

9. 2021年,华为杯第十八届中国研究生数学建模竞赛,二等奖;

10. 2021年,第七届中国国际互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛,全国银奖;

11. 2021年,上海市公路学会科学技术奖,二等奖;

12. 2022年,第八届中国研究生智慧城市技术与创意设计大赛,二等奖;



1. Gao, Q., Fan, L., Wei, S., Li, Y., Du, Y., & Liu, C. (2023). Differences Evaluation of Pavement Roughness Distribution Based on Light Detection and Ranging Data. Applied Sciences, 13(14), 8080.

2. Gao, Q., Yu X., Du, Y., Liu C., Wu, D., Li, Y., Zhang, X. (2023). Digital operation and maintenance system of highway infrastructure. 29th ITS World Congress.

3. Gao, Q., Liu, C., Li, Y., Du, Y., Yue, G., & Liu, B. (2022). Mining co-occurrence patterns among deep road distresses using association rule analysis. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements, 148(1), 04021078. (SCI, IF: 2.279, Q3)

4. Gao, Q., Zhang, S., Chen, G., & Du, Y. (2020). Two-way cooperative priority control of bus transit with stop capacity constraint. Sustainability, 12(4), 1405. (SCI, IF: 3.889, Q2)

5. Li, Y., Liu, C., Gao, Q., Wu, D., Li, F., & Du, Y. (2022). ConTrack Distress Dataset: A Continuous Observation for Pavement Deterioration Spatio-Temporal Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(12), 25004-25017. (SCI, IF: 9.551, Q1)

6. Li, Y., Liu, C., Yue, G., Gao, Q., & Du, Y. (2022). Deep learning-based pavement subsurface distress detection via ground penetrating radar data. Automation in Construction, 142, 104516. (SCI, IF: 10.517, Q1)

7. Yue, G., Du, Y., Liu, C., Guo, S., Li, Y., & Gao, Q. (2022). Road subsurface distress recognition method using multiattribute feature fusion with ground penetrating radar. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 1-13. (SCI, IF: 4.178, Q2)

8. Liu, H., Zhang, S., Chen, G., & Gao, Q. (2020). Observed Characteristics and Modeled Emissions of Transit Buses on Ramps. Sustainability, 12(7), 2770. (SCI, IF: 3.889, Q2)

9.Du, Y., Wang, H., Gao, Q., Pan, N., Zhao, C., & Liu, C. (2022). Resilience concepts in integrated urban transport: a comprehensive review on multi-mode framework. Smart and resilient transportation, 4(2), 105-133.


1. 刘成龙,杜豫川,吴荻非,潘宁,高倩,翁梓航. 一种考虑碳排放的路网级全生命养护优化方法. ZL202210139768.1.

2. 杜豫川,高倩,李亦舜,刘成龙. 一种基于关联规则分析的道路深层病害预警方法. ZL202110215728.6.

3. 张晖,高倩. 一种基于超车行为特征的疲劳驾驶监测方法. ZL201810481127.8.

4. 一种基于高频巡检数据的道路性能更新与分析方法. PCT/CN2023/096970.

5. 一种路面损伤匹配与连续跟踪方法. PCT/CN2023/096969.