


2010.09-2014.06 同济大学交通运输工程学院交通工程专业本科

2014.09-2019.09 同济大学交通运输工程学院交通运输工程专业博士

2017.09-2018.09 佐治亚理工学院土木与环境学院CSC访问学者


1.Mengyuan Zeng, Difei Wu,Hongduo Zhao and Hui Chen. NovelAssessment Method for Support Conditions of Concrete Pavement under TrafficLoads Using Distributed Optical Sensing Technology. Transportation ResearchBoard 99th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

2. Hui Chen, Jianming Ling, Difei Wu,Mengyuan Zeng and Hongduo Zhao. Monitoringthe Prestress Force in Cross-Tensioned Concrete Pavement by Using VibrationAnalysis.  Transportation ResearchBoard 99th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

3.曾孟源,赵鸿铎,吴荻非,凌建明.基于振动感知的混凝土铺面板底脱空识别方法. 中国公路学报(已录用待见刊).

4.Mengyuan Zeng, Hongduo Zhao, DifeiWu, Hui Chen and Juewei Cai. Avibration-based traffic monitoring system using distributed optical sensingtechnology.Journal of Testing and Evaluation.

5.Difei Wu, Chenglong Liu, Hongduo Zhao and Mengyuan Zeng (2019). Ride Comfort Prediction of Urban Road UsingDiscrete Pavement Roughness Index. Transportation Research Board 98thAnnual Meeting Transportation Research Board.

6.Hongduo Zhao, Difei Wu,Mengyuan Zeng, Yu Tian, Jianming Ling (2019). Assessment of Concrete Pavement Support Condition Using DistributedOptical Sensing Fiber and a Neural Network. Construction and BuildingMaterials.

7.Hongduo Zhao, DifeiWu, Mengyuan Zeng, Sheng Zhong. AVibration-Based Vehicle Classification System Using Distributed Optical SensingTechnology. Transportation Research Record: The Journal of the TransportationResearch Board.

8.Hongduo Zhao, DifeiWu, Mengyuan Zeng and Jianming Ling.Support Conditions Assessment of Concrete Pavement Slab UsingDistributed Optical Fiber Sensors. Transportmetrica A: TransportScience.

9.Hongduo Zhao, Mengyuan Zeng, Difei Wu and Sheng Zhong. AVibration-Based System for Cavity-Underneath Identification of ConcretePavement. Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.,2018.

10.Chenglong Liu, Yuchuan Du, Yishun Li and Difei Wu (2018). VelocityProfile Adjustment Approach to Improve Automated Vehicle Comfort based on V2ICommunication. ITS World Congress 2017.

11.Hongduo Zhao, DifeiWu, Jianming Ling and Shitao Wu. Studyof Dynamic Load Generated by Aircrafts and Joint Faults. TransportationResearch Board 96th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 2017.

12.Hongduo Zhao, DifeiWu and Shitao Wu. VibrationMonitoring of Concrete Pavement Using Distributed Optical Vibration Sensing-System. The 21stInternational Conference of Hongkong Society for Transportation Studies,Hongkong, 2016.

13.Yuchuan Du, Chenglong Liu, DifeiWu and Siyu Li. Application ofVehicle Mounted Accelerometers to Measure Pavement Roughness. InternationalJournal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2016, ID 8413146.

14.Hongduo Zhao and Difei Wu. Definition, Function, and FrameworkConstruction of a Smart Road. New Frontiers in Road and AirportEngineering, 2015: 204.

15.杜豫川,刘成龙,吴荻非,蒋盛川.基于车载多传感器的路面平整度检测方法. 中国公路学报, 2015, 28(6): 1-5.

16.Yuchuan Du, Chenglong Liu, DifeiWu and Shengchuan Jiang. Measurementof International Roughness Index by Using-Axis Accelerometers and GPS.Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, ID 928980.

17.赵鸿铎,钟盛,焦宝,吴荻非,赵基焕,蔡爵威. 一种装配式水泥混凝土铺面板模具[P]. 上海:CN207608796U, 2018-07-13.

18.赵鸿铎,吴荻非,曾孟源,钟盛. 一种埋入式道路车辆类型识别系统和方法[P]. 上海:CN107730895A, 2018-02-23.

19.吴荻非,赵鸿铎,凌建明,杨戈,杜浩. 一种接触状态监测装置[P]. 上海:ZL106338302A, 2017-01-18.

20.刘成龙,杜豫川,吴荻非,孙立军,李思雨. 一种基于车载加速度计的路面平整度快速检测系统[P]. 上海:CN104790283A, 2015-07-22.

21.杜豫川,蒋盛川,孙立军,刘成龙,吴荻非. 一种基于重力加速度传感器的路面平整度检测方法[P]. 上海:CN104120644A, 2014-10-29.




