


2005-2009,长安大学 汽车学院 管理学学士

2009-2012,长安大学 汽车学院 管理学硕士

2011-2016,长安大学 汽车学院 工学博士

2012-2014,阿尔伯塔大学(加拿大) 联合培养博士

2016-2018,人民交通出版社 汽车中心 策划编辑

2018-至今,同济大学 助理研究员


1.Real-Time Queue Estimation Model DevelopmentforUninterrupted Freeway Flow Based on Shockwave Analysis. Canadian JournalofCivil Engineering

2.Exploring the Impact of a Coordinated VariableSpeedLimit Control on Congestion Distribution in Freeway 交通运输工程学报

3. A Time-Space Model for Real-Time QueueEstimation Basedon Input-Output Analysis [c]. 10th InternationalTransportation SpecialtyConference CSCE

4. Comparison of Queue Estimation AccuracybyShockwave-Based and Input-Output Based Models [c]. IEEE ConferenceonIntelligent Transportation Systems, ITSC, 2014

5. Developing Real-time Queue Estimation Model withDynamic Capacity based on Shock Wave Analysis [C]. 20th ITS World Congress,2013

6. Statistical modeling of grievous road trafficaccidents[C]. COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals,2012

7. A Comparative Study on NumericalOptimizationTechniques for Model Predictive Variable Speed Limit Control. IEEEConferenceon Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITSC, 2014

8. Research on the Reserve Modes of EmergencyResourceunder Multi Reserve Subjects [C]. COTA International ConferenceofTransportation Professionals Study on Multi-Depot Location Routing Problemswithinan Urban Road Network Topology[C]. Cota International ConferenceofTransportation Professionals.

9.Study on Multi-Depot Location Routing Problems within anUrban Road Network Topology[C]. Cota International Conference ofTransportationProfessionals.